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Stand out with creative formats for your website's content

Embed anywhere. No developer needed.

Create or repurpose content in gumbr's interactive formats and easily add them to your web pages and articles without a developer.

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Examples of gumbr's creative formats

Webpages and articles enhanced with our interactive formats

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How it works

Choose a widget. Add content. Publish and Embed.

1. Select an interactive widget

Select a widget from our collection

Try our sample embed code

Add a deck of cards to your website in a minute by just copy and pasting the snippet below!

Why make content interactive

More ways to repurpose your content

Curate them into a free online challenge or course. Structure a course of challenge using existing pieces of standout podcast episodes / videos / articles so visitors can put them to action.
Reimagine it as tools like checklists or cards Let visitors experience the content you've previously researched and gathered in a way that makes your stories and information more usable.

Same information. More views, shares, and leads.

More engaging Interactivity increases engagement with your content and makes people remember the information and your business.
More shareable Gumbr's formats are novel and actionable. This makes visitors more likely to share the content with others.
More authority By producing content that users use to achieve their goals, it increases the user's perception of your brand.
More leads As users are more engaged with your content, they are likely to move into the next stage of your marketing funnel.

Pricing & plans

Ready to get started with interactive widgets?

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$0 / mo.

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$19 / mo.

Creator plan ( early bird )

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Expected future pricing and features for gumbr


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~ $129 / mo.

Billed monthly

~ $29 / mo.

Billed monthly
